Wholesale Native Plant Catalogue


Updated July 7/2024


The Following is our current list of Plants available for Wholesale as of July 2024.  Wholesale Pricing is only applicable to the plants on the list below.  Please email inquiries for Wholesale orders to PlanBeeNativePlants@gmail.com

-Quantities listed are approximate and subject to change

-minimum $400 order to be eligible for wholesale pricing

-Delivery options may be available for certain orders depending on the size/quantity of the order and what we can facilitate at the time for an additional fee.


Shrubs/Trees Latin Size Price Quantity Available
Black Hawthorn Crataegus douglasii 1g $7.25 10
Black Twinberry Lonicera involucrata 1g $7.25 20
Cascara Frangula purshiana 1g $7.25 15
Hardhack Spirea douglasii 2g $12 10
Hardhack Spirea douglasii 1g $7.25 20
Pacific Crabapple Malus fusca 1g $7.25 75
Pacific Ninebark Physocarpus capitatus 1g $7.25 25
Pacific Willow Salix lasiandra 1g $7.25 10
Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa 1g $7.25 25
Red-flowering Currant Ribes sanguineum 1g $7.25 125
Red-twig Dogwood Cornus sericea 1g $7.25 40
Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis 1g $7.25 10
Sitka Willow Salix sitchensis 1g $7.25 10
Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus 1g $7.25 10
Trailing Blackberry Rubus ursinus 1g $7.25 25


Big-leaf Lupine Lupinus polyphyllus 1g $7.25 25
Blanket Flower Gaillardia aristata 1g $7.25 50
Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis 3.5” $4.25 9
Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis 1g $7.25 60
Cooley’s Hedgenettle Stachys cooleyae 1g $7.25 50
Douglas Aster Symphyotrichum subspicatum 1g $7.25 60
Douglas Aster Symphyotrichum subspicatum 3.5” $4.25 20
Entire-leaved Gumweed Grindelia stricta 1g $7.25 80
Fireweed Chamaenerion angustifolium 1g $7.25 25
Fringecup Tellima gradiflora 1g $7.25 3
Goatsbeard Aruncus diocus 1g $7.25 25
Idaho Blue-eyed Grass Sisyrinchium idahoense 1g $7.25 60
Pacific Silverweed Potentilla anserina 1g $7.25 70
Red Columbine Aquilegia formosa 1g $7.25 40
Showy Milkweed Asclepias speciosa 1g $7.25 60
Showy Milkweed Asclepias speciosa 3.5” $4.25 18
Small-flowered Alumroot Heuchera micrantha 1g $7.25 35
Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis 1g $7.25 8
Western St Johns Wort Hypericum scouleri 1g $7.25 16
Western Yarrow Achillea millefolium 1g  $7.25 14
Western Yarrow Achillea millefolium 3.5” $4.25 20
Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca 1g $7.25 35
Woolly Sunflower Eriophyllum lanatum 1g $7.25 60