Why Native Plants are Important

Native Plants support Native Bees

Located in the lower mainland of BC with a mission to save our native bees, PlanBee Native Plants is a nursery that’s dedicated to creating a community of pollinator guardians. You can buy BC Coastal Native Plants that support the Native Bees, butterflies, birds and other wildlife.

Did you know?
90% of insects are specialists!  This means they rely on very specific plants native to the ecosystems they evolved in.  These species have adapted to feed on these plants over thousands of years.  As a result most non native plant species are useless as food sources for insects and other life around us.

How you can help! 
By planting native plants in your yards/gardens you will be helping support biodiversity and life around us as many species are in decline.  You will have the added benefit of attracting and enjoying more species of bees, birds and butterflies in your gardens as well!

More information on how you can support native pollinators below
